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Why are Preferences .plist files misplaced in iOS 10 jailbreak?

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I have different devices on iOS 10.3.1 and 10.3.3 jailbroken with H3lix and doubleH3lix. I noticed that, unlike with other previous jailbreaks, the Preferences .plist files for various App Store apps I installed using Filza are NO LONGER saved under the /Library/Preferences folder under each app's own sandbox under /mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<appname>. Instead, these .plist files are all stored in the SAME location under /mobile/Library/Preferences.


This change creates a major problem when using Icon Tool to backup each app's sandbox, as the preference .plist files are not being backed up so that the restored sandboxes often (but not always) do not work.


What did I do wrong? How do I fix this?



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i don't use h3lix JB so i can not comment on the file structure.
however icontool was updated for os 5-9 but does work on 10.2 and no update since so therefore
it probably does not work properly as you have noticed.
you'll have to wait for the dev to make another update to make compatibility for os 10.3-11.x




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Thanks for the explanation, user_hidden. Just curious, when you install .ipa apps on your device that is on iOS 10.x, are you also seeing like I do that the apps' own preference .plist files are being relocated to a common directory at /mobile/Library/Preferences rather than the apps' own containers?



i don't use h3lix JB so i can not comment on the file structure.
however icontool was updated for os 5-9 but does work on 10.2 and no update since so therefore
it probably does not work properly as you have noticed.
you'll have to wait for the dev to make another update to make compatibility for os 10.3-11.x