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Jailbreak 11.1.2 helping to understand.

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So I recently got a good deal on an iPhone 7 256GB for $500 


It's on iOS 11.1.2


Anything I should know on jailbreaking it? Was looking at Electra, and wasn't sure what the difference between Substitute and Cydia Substrate was..



Anyhow, can everyone just fill me up with info on jailbreaking this iOS? 


I've been on 8.4 on a 5S for about 3 years now, so I'm familiar with how things go somewhat, but still under a rock.






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U can look info advice in here





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substrate is a replacement for mobilesubstrate on os11+
it is not a 100% compatibility but is a working solution for many tweaks to run.
although there are many that do not work with substitute.

Ghay had posted a link above that in that thread there is a link to tweak compatibility




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Okay, read a good bit of it, sounds like it's better to wait until Saurik makes it. Electra's not reliable I guess. :c


When Jailbroken by the way, will I be able to avoid that XCode Signing stuff? Or does this still apply to all the cracked apps I want to load onto the device?


Edit: Would it be easier to just get an iPhone with iOS 10.2-10.3.3 instead?




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iPhone on 10.2 with yalu JB is a better choice imho




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Hmm, reading more into it, JailBreaking seems much more complicated?


Do you also need to resign the JailBreak and all that every 7 days (unless developer account with apple for 1 year) because of this XCode thing? There's no way to stop it? Or.. 


( Again sorry, been a long time since JailBreaking, sat on iOS 8.4 with a 5S for like 3 years now. )



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only have to resign the actual JB tool every 7 days.
but if you do not shut down your phone the JB stays up past that period.
it's when you will need to reJB and you are in nonJB mode the JBtool would need resigning




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Okay so signing iOS stuff started in iOS 9.


I'm going to wait on iOS 11.1.2 until Saurik releases a solid Cydia Substrate. I don't think "Substitute" is worth it if Saurik himself seems to do things to break it in terms of playing with Cydia.



Okay my cleaned up Questions


1: "it's when you will need to reJB and you are in nonJB mode the JBtool would need resigning"  The signing of the JailBreak app needs to be done over a computer, correct? This is possible with PC or can it be done on the iPhone itself as well?


1.1: Can I get a developer account from apple which signs for one year? How much does this cost?


2: Is access to root level /var still possible with AFC (App File Conduit) tweak installed, then using iFunBox, iFile, FileZilla, etc?



I mainly just want to JailBreak my iPhone 7 so I can install RetroArch on it and play PS1 games, as well as PSP games with PPSSPP. Also of course, cuddle my Cake. <3 


I mean, I got a 256GB version so I can cram it with all the apps you guys have here. ;d 




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Edited - Compiled post into one.