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Problems initializing App Arpeggionome Pro

Best Answer MRWTF , 03 August 2018 - 06:02 AM

the file links on appcake are dead.

the file you uploaded is NOT cracked and has the purchaser's data in it.
completely useless for us unless you want to PM me the purchaser's appleID and password to try and crack it!

also the version you have is from 2014.
if it is a 32bit app don't bother if you want it for os11+

I know all links are dead but i have an IPA cracked by CrackLords i supose.... 1.1 v



I will need to find the 1.2 v the other one i dont have the credentials to log into that account so as you said this IPA is useless, evene i tryed with Superimpactor and the App installs but it wont open aswell.

Also searching for this one:


Is the only one i dont have in my MEGA Audio Apps Backup...and i dont know why....

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    Pro Caker

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Hello Cakers.

I have a problem initializing an App, it installs but it doesnt open fully,it starts but closes in seconds. I dont remember where i found it but im pretty sure it was not here.

We only have it in this version 1.2.0 and the one i have is 1.2.1

This is the App:


And this is the IPA i have:




I hope someone can help me with this.

Thanks in advance.




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the file links on appcake are dead.

the file you uploaded is NOT cracked and has the purchaser's data in it.
completely useless for us unless you want to PM me the purchaser's appleID and password to try and crack it!

also the version you have is from 2014.
if it is a 32bit app don't bother if you want it for os11+
  • MRWTF likes this



    Pro Caker

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✓  Best Answer

the file links on appcake are dead.

the file you uploaded is NOT cracked and has the purchaser's data in it.
completely useless for us unless you want to PM me the purchaser's appleID and password to try and crack it!

also the version you have is from 2014.
if it is a 32bit app don't bother if you want it for os11+

I know all links are dead but i have an IPA cracked by CrackLords i supose.... 1.1 v



I will need to find the 1.2 v the other one i dont have the credentials to log into that account so as you said this IPA is useless, evene i tryed with Superimpactor and the App installs but it wont open aswell.

Also searching for this one:


Is the only one i dont have in my MEGA Audio Apps Backup...and i dont know why....