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FutureMind AdBlock 4.1, iOS 11.3

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I've been attempting to use FutureMind Adblock 4.1 on iOS 11.3, Electra 1.0.5 (iPhone 6) from https://www.iphoneca...691121579_.html(Ghay's uploads).


After installing via AppCake, the app immediately crashes to the home screen upon launch. I was able to resolve this by running IPAPatcher, then installing the patched IPA via AppCake.


The app now launches correctly and all aspects of the UI work as expected, however when attempting to enable adblock, the "Swipe up to enable" slider immediately slides back down (immediately disables). It is therefore not possible to enable adblock. The VPN profile appears to install correctly. This looks fine in Settings -> VPN.


Has anyone else encountered this problem with the app? Is this a limitation introduced by the cracking process effecting applications that use VPN profiles?



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I've been attempting to use FutureMind Adblock 4.1 on iOS 11.3, Electra 1.0.5 (iPhone 6) from https://www.iphoneca...691121579_.html(Ghay's uploads).

NOT os11 compatible when cracked