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Pic Navi [2.8.5] [by user_hidden-ICPDA] (ok 8-11.x & 32bit)

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Pic Navi
Cate: Photo & Video
Price: $2.99
Size: 22.44MB
Pic Navi is an easy-to-use photo location viewer and editor.

What Pic Navi can do:
Opening a map to navigate back to photo location.
Copying the GPS coordinate of the photo.
Adding / Modifying / Deleting the photo's location.
Modifying the photo's timestamp.
Showing the timestamp in the photo's location (Timezone support)
Showing / Inscribing the timestamp inside the photo.

To see the map, tap the compass icon. To modify GPS, long-press the icon.

To change the appearance of the timestamp, tap the timestamp. To modify it, long-press it.


Download: https://iphonecake.c...888556973_.html