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All InApp Purchases blocked with Electra

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Hi all, I don't know where to ask this. I have an iPad Pro 2 with iOS 11.1.1 and Electra JB. I installed some sideload cracked IPAs downloaded from here, but the inApp purchases seems not to work, even without any tweak like faking the InApp purchase (Locall IAP Store). 

For example, if I would like to buy inApp purchase for real, and when I click on the button to buy them, nothing happens (e.g. Small World 2 or Ticket to Ride). I have uninstalled all InApp purchase tweaks, but still they don't work.


Do those app detect that I have a JB and they block InApp? I tried also tweaks like Liberty Lite or similar ones...



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you can not InApp purchase when you never purchased the app in the first place !




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Is there a specific reason/control for that? So only way to buy inApp purchase is to install LocalApp store or similar?


What is the best of bride InApp purchase tweak?


For example, for "Ticket to Ride" and "Small World", how can I unlock InApp?



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LocalIAP was what is/was used for JB. i do not use it.

specific reason: if you never purchased the app through Apple how do you expect to add InApp on your account ?