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PicFrame [12.2] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Cate: Photo & Video
Price: $1.99
Size: 24.19MB
PicFrame helps you combine multiple photos and videos into amazing looking frames and share them with your friends and family via Instagram, Facebook, Email, Twitter, and more!

With 73 fully adjustable frames supporting up to 9 photos or videos, text labels, rounded corners, photo effects, shapes, shadows, music, plenty of patterns and an easy color picker you will always have a unique look.

Main Features
- 73 fully adjustable frames (resize each frame area for unlimited customization)
- Combine up to 9 photos or videos in a single frame
- Add text labels to your frame (plenty of fonts, square, rounded and torn tape labels, adjust the color of the text and label)
- Add stickers to your frame
- Add your own music to video frames (select under "Options")
- Change the shape of your photos and videos to a circle, heart, hexagon and more
- Rounded corners on photos and videos
- Apply effects to individual photos
- Add a shadow to the photos and videos
- Easy color picker for the frames background
- Patterns for the frames background
- Change the border width
- Square format and 3:2, 2:3, 4:3, 3:4, 16:9, 9:16 ratios
- Zoom, pan, rotate or mirror each photo
- Select multiple photos and videos at once
- Easily move photos and videos to different areas by drag and drop
- High resolution
- Share via Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and more!
- Send as an email
- Send the photo or video to another app e.g. Dropbox
- Support for the iPhone and iPad

- Top 5 in iPhone Paid Photography Apps
- Top 25 iPhone Paid Apps Overall
- Selected for Best Of App Store 2013 in Australia and New Zealand
- 27th Top Paid iPhone App for all of 2012
- Top 10 in iPad Paid Photography Apps
- PicFrame scored 9/10 in the Wired App Guide

Follow PicFrame on Twitter @PicFrameApp and Instagram @davidboyes.

Terms of use: https://boyes.nz/terms-conditions/


Download: https://iphonecake.c...433398108_.html