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Dimension of Dreams [1.7] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Dimension of Dreams
Cate: Games
Price: $1.69
Size: 1.33GB
"Dimension of Dreams" is a unique strategy card game with rogue-like elements. You play an adventurer who embarks on an exhilarating journey through the dream world, where you engage in thrilling, fluid combat. Obtain and add cards strategically to your deck via exploration and upgrading existing cards. Whether you wish to be a mighty sorcerer or a valiant knight, you'll have fun getting lost in the charming dream worlds!

* Over 260 cards (we plan to expand the card catalog to at least 400 in the future) plus 50 relics with exciting functions for players to mix and match. No two players will have the same experience!
* 6 powerful adventurers with their own unique personalities. Each comes with its own exclusive skills and cards!
* Over 60 monsters and bosses to challenge, each with its own exclusive card deck!
* 5 ethereal dream worlds where you can explore and encounter random events. Clear stages to unlock adventure awakening skins!


Download: https://iphonecake.c...445376954_.html