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Video LUT [2.5] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Video LUT
Cate: Photo & Video
Price: $4.99
Size: 93.98MB
- With this app, you can import your own LUTs and apply them to your images and videos.

- Also, the camera is available for recording or taking photos using your own LUTs!

- Many editing tools are available so you can color correct / color grade your videos and images.
And of course, you can create and export your own LUTs!

Supported LUT formats:

- DaVinci Resolve 3D Cube LUT (.cube)
- Autodesk 3D LUT (.3dl)

You can import .cube, .3dl and 512x512 .png LUT tables.
You can also import or save cubes to iCloud, DropBox etc. Just use the Admin/Import button.

- Visualize your imported LUTs
- Export them also as LUT images (.png)
- Email any LUT as .cube 16 & 32 (DaVinci Resolve 3D Cube LUT)
- Import directly zip files containing LUT files, unzip in other apps is not necessary.
- Match colors from images and build new LUTs.

Don't miss the included two new official conversion LUTs from FiLMiC Pro for processing their all-new Flat and LOG V2 gamma curves! Find them under Presets -> CONVRT

Adjust settings:

- Split Toning
- RGB Curves
- LAB Curves
- HSL sliders / curves
- Color Wheels
- Saturation
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Exposure
- Gamma
- Highlights
- Shadows
- Temperature
- Tint
- Overall Opacity

All these settings can also be used to build new LUTs!

Video Resolution: The app will save in the best possible format, the highest resolution for your iPhone, that means that if you have a video that is 4K it will save as 4K providing your iPhone is 6s, 6s+,7, 7+ or newer. But if your phone is older it will be saved in just the best possible resolution.

This app will not resize up your video, so if your original video is 720p it will remain with that size.

Apply any of the 700 LUTs included to your images and video files!

I'm accepting requests for this app, send your request/ideas/issues to enriqueg@gmail.com and get them fixed/ implemented in the future versions!

If you have iPad, get the "Video LUT for iPad" app instead of this app.

This app has not In-App purchases, Ads or Subscriptions and never will!
You pay once a time and that is all! Almost weekly updates!

Join the FB group http://facebook.com/groups/videolut

And follow Instagram:@videolut


Download: https://iphonecake.c...082340556_.html