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PhotoStack for Instagram [3.8.1] [by TNT]

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    IC L.E.G.E.N.D

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PhotoStack for Instagram
Cate: Social Networking
Price: $4.99
Size: 7,12MB
PhotoStack - The most elegant way use Instagram on macOS

MenuBar Panel
PhotoStack is a new tool to help you to discover Instagram social media network. if you want to connect your instagram account from menubar on your mac , PhotoStack is your tool.

Browse Photo Feeds
Browse your Instagram feed, photos you've uploaded, photos you've liked, and popular photos on Instagram. You can also browse user profiles and browse their awesome photos.

Interactive with freends
Follow and explore users, like and more.

-Search for photo tags.
-Get notifications for new feeds;
-Dock window to menubar or use it as a freestanding app.
-adjust feed refresh interval.
-support photo and video.


Download: https://iphonecake.c...775691986_.html