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Http Traffic pro - sniffer [1.2.1] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Http Traffic pro - sniffer
Cate: Productivity
Price: $0.99
Size: 270.29MB
Compared with the ordinary version, the professional version is updated frequently, and there is no advertisement in the professional version, so the experience is better


- Support packet capturin, data statistics and summary,
- Support Wi Fi-LAN packet capturing,
- Support packet analysis in app and web browser,
- Support search and file type filtering to quickly find target data,
- Support HTTP / HTTPS body parsing, preview and analysis support,Including videos, pictures, texts, etc
- Data can be replicated,
- HTTP body size is unlimited,
- It supports computers and other devices to access packet capturing records through browsers,
- HTTP traffic certificate download, support HTTPS,
- Local notification reminder function,
- The packet capturing data is output in reverse order. The top of the packet capturing list is the latest data,
- Grab the historical data file for reference


Download: https://iphonecake.c...490043916_.html