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MoneyBook Pro [3.6.3] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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MoneyBook Pro
Cate: Finance
Price: $4.99
Size: 18.50MB
MoneyBook is the most easy to use expense log that keeps track of your spending. No complex operations, no impractical functions. MoneyBook is easy to use.

MoneyBook will quickly and easily record each expense. It’s easy to see how much money you have spent every week and even how much money you have spent this year.

Key features:

- Multiple books, Daily Expense/Traveling/Holiday Gift.
- Create a group of books.
- Support different currencies for different books.
- Multiple accounts,Cash/Credit Card.
- Transfer between accounts.

- Fast and easy to use native iPhone user interface.
- Recording a purchase takes seconds.
- Supports for Siri Shortcuts with URL schemes.
- Auto-generate recurring expenses and income entries.
- Create/Edit/Sort expense/income categories and subcategories.
- Support to order category by Alphabetic/Frequency/Customized.
- Dynamic graph showing costs in percentages.
- History to view and adjust your previous entries.
- Flexible reports to view expenses by week, month, or year.

- Password protection.
- Export CSV file.
- Online backup via iCloud.
- Back up via Mail.
- Sync data across multiple devices via iCloud.

I will not be able to reply directly to you in your review, so if you have any problems while using MoneyBook, please email me.
I will help you to solve your problem ASAP
My email address is: moneybook@qiuping.com


Download: https://iphonecake.c...427141357_.html