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Video LUT Editor [1.80] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Video LUT Editor
Cate: Photo & Video
Price: $4.99
Size: 171.16MB
With this app, you can import your own LUTs from iCloud, other apps, etc and apply them to your videos and images.

If you have iPhone, get instead of the "Video LUT" for iPhone. (search for it)

Supported formats:

- DaVinci Resolve 3D Cube LUT (.cube)
- Autodesk 3D LUT (.3dl)

e.g. Send them by mail/download in Safari and choose Open/Copy with Video LUT. Zips with multiple files are supported.

You can import .cube directly from iCloud, Dropbox etc. Use the Admin menu.

- Visualize yours.CUBE and .3DL files in 3D. You can also save a snapshot.
- Export them also as LUT images (.png)
- Match colors from images and build new LUTs. Color transferring with 2 state-of-art methods.
- Save your videos in High Quality.

Adjust settings:

- HSL Curves
- RGB Curves
- LAB Curves
- CMYK Curves
- Color Balance Wheels (Lift-Gamma-Gain)
- Saturation
- Brightness
- Contrast
- Exposure
- Gamma
- Highlights
- Shadows
- Temperature
- Tint
- Overall opacity of the effect
- Histogram, RGB parade, and Waveform
- Trim
- Batch processing (images)
- Vectorscope

Also, apply any of the 570 presets to your video files!

I'm accepting requests for this app, send your request/ideas/issues to enriqueg@gmail.com and get them in the next version!

You can also join the FB group for discussions, search for Video LUT in FB.


Download: https://iphonecake.c...170270352_.html