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AirSynth [1.1] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Cate: Music
Price: $1.69
Size: 16.14MB
AirSynth enables anyone to make cool musical sounds with their hands!

Using the latest depth sensing camera technology in your device, AirSynth allows you to synthesize music simply by holding your hands in the air.

Combining new technology with vintage sounds, anyone can simulate a theremin for spooky effects.

AirSynth looks great and has a clear, modern UI. It provides a cool real-time visualization of the depth data the camera sees.

Simply start the app, and place your hands above it to control the audio pitch and volume of a range of special voices.

AirSynth supports iPhone® X, XS, XR and iPad Pro. Hand input via depth camera is limited to only devices with the TrueDepth™ camera and FaceID™.

- Control with the movement of your hands
- Futuristic visualization of camera input
- Record your performances to video (New!)
- Choose from a variety of color themes (New!)
- Theremin style option
- Over 5 different voices to play
- Depth control even works in the dark!


Download: https://iphonecake.c...452079436_.html