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Sidewords [1.1] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Cate: Games
Price: $4.99
Size: 69.37MB
Grab a cup of coffee and relax with Sidewords.

Sidewords is part logic puzzle, part word game, all original.

No timers. No penalties. No pressure. Just you and a good puzzle.

Sharpen your mind with hundreds of puzzles, from small and quick, to large and captivating. Plus three new puzzles to do every day! There’s even a bonus game included!

Choose a color scheme that fits your mood and environment. Get your morning started with bright colors, or unwind at the end of a long day with a dark theme.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy a good puzzle. You deserve your Sidewords time.

----- Critics Are Saying -----

"If you're looking for a truly new word game experience, this is the game to get."
- 148Apps

"The word and logic elements mashed together create a special experience that I’ve never seen before in a word game"
- AppAdvice

"If you’re looking for a word game with some unique ideas, go download Sidewords"
- AppUnwrapper

"Sidewords isn't quite like anything else you've ever played before."
- PocketGamer


Download: https://iphonecake.c...223257768_.html