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Analog Rack Phaser [1.1] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Analog Rack Phaser
Cate: Music
Price: $6.99
Size: 23.99MB
Analog Rack Phaser one knob for a fantastic Phaser Fx inspired by the famous orange Phaser 90 pedal.

Nembrini Audio has taken the guitarists most preferred analog and digital effect pedals and has repacked it in new rack style plugins easy to use and extremely powerful at the same time, with the addition of a custom design tube preamp virtual circuit which gives color to the signal in a very special way.

Just insert the Analog Rack Phaser plugin in your tracks to hear its beautiful analog tube coloration!

Works as a standalone app, AudioUnit v3 effect, or Inter-App Audio effect


Download: https://iphonecake.c...497464886_.html