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TechSmith Snagit 2020 [2020.1.3] [by unknown_macOS]

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TechSmith Snagit 2020
Cate: Graphics & Design
Price: $49.99
Size: 344.67MB
Simple, Powerful Screen Capture Software

TechSmith Snagit takes the hassle out of creating images and videos. Capture your screen, edit images, and deliver results. Snagit is also the only screen capture tool with built-in advanced image editing and screen recording. So you can easily create high-quality images and videos all in one program. Quickly explain a process, build visual-based documentation and be more engaging by adding images and videos to your communications.

Key Features:

Capture a screenshot or video
Snagit makes it easy and intuitive to capture images or record video. Capture your full screen desktop, region, window, or scrolling screen.

Edit and annotate screenshots with a few clicks
Get a full suite of editing tools, and create images on your own. Edit screenshots or build custom graphics with arrows, text, highlights and more.

Deliver results
The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text. Snagit makes it easy to add your screenshots and videos to email, training materials, documentation, blogs, or social media. Or get a short URL to share your screenshots and recordings.

New in Snagit 2020:

Create from Templates
Create Video from Images
TechSmith Assets for Snagit
Enterprise Sharing Destinations


Download: https://iphonecake.c...478888753_.html