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Artech - Photo & Video Effects [2.3.0] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Artech - Photo & Video Effects
Cate: Photo & Video
Price: $8.99
Size: 91.99MB
# Awards

Product Hunt - Recommendation
AppAdvice - Recommendation
Price Tag - Recommendation
Sspai - Recommendation
New Mobile Life - Recommendation

# Introduction

Artech could transform your image into artwork using the style of world famous patterns.

A unique combination of art and technology with neural networks and artificial intelligence helps to create awesome artwork.

# Styles

- The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh
- The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai
- Edtaonisl, Francis Picabia
- Paris of My Dreams, Leonid Afremov
- Mosaic, Church Mosaic Style
- Candy, Candy Style
- Udnie, Francis Picabia
- Feathers, Bohemia Style
- Muse, Pablo Picasso
- Scream, Edvard Munch

2.0.0 New

Image styles
- Girl before a Mirror, Pablo Picasso, Paris, March 14, 1932
- Galloping Horse, Xu Beihong (Ju Péon)
- Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Pablo Picasso, Paris, June-July 1907

Video styles
- Edtaonisl, Francis Picabia
- The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Katsushika Hokusai
- Galloping Horse, Xu Beihong (Ju Péon)

# Feedback

If you like this application please kindly give 5 stars. Any feedback and recommendation please click Email icon in about page.


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