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Mémoires [4.5.1] [by TNT]

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    IC L.E.G.E.N.D

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    • Time Online: 33d 20h 50m 37s
Cate: Productivity
Price: $28.99
Size: 1,10MB
Mémoires is an easy way to keep a journal or diary on a Mac.

NEW: version 4 is a major update which features a new look, implements native autosave, improves security, keyboard navigation, and adds new features.

* Encrypted Journals

Your personal diary is safe from prying eyes — just set a password for your journal, and Mémoires will encrypt it using the secure AES-256 cipher with proper key derivation and authentication.

* Simple and Beautiful

Mémoires has an easy-to-use, gorgeous interface, and zero useless features. Begin writing your journal right away instead of searching help files.

* Quick drawings

Just like in a paper journal, the Quick Drawing feature allows you to draw sketches, doodles, or anything you like right inside the Mémoires app.

* Autosave and Versions

Mémoires automatically saves your journals, so you won’t lose a bit. The program is fully compatible with Time Machine for seamless backups.

* Diary Printing

You can print a single entry, entries for a specified period or the whole journal. The program automatically inserts dates and titles where needed.

* Forever Yours

Industry standard SQLite database-driven file format means that there is no vendor lock-in. Plus you can export your journals to RTF, plain text, or PDF.


Download: https://iphonecake.c...412217180_.html