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Qoin - Expenses and Incomes [3.1.4] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Qoin - Expenses and Incomes
Cate: Finance
Price: $1.69
Size: 53.77MB
Want to reduce your expenses? Or understand where your earnings go?
Join the thousands to manage your budget in a brand-new way. Adding spendings have never been that easy! Save not only your money, but time as well.

What do our users say?

"…Absolutely useful and helps to control my money. Adding entries take around couple seconds, just love it…" - Tkachenkam;

"This app is fantastic and has a beautiful interface..." - Jugderp;

"Good app! Very useful, help for calculations of own finances. Fine interface and handy for use" - Whale_Kit;

"The best app in this category so far. Highly recommended" - Petrenko3000.

Main features

• Speed.
Precisely developed design performs extremely high results in usage. Don’t forget about gestures to navigate inside the app.

• Entries.
Add entries 3x faster: just swipe and tap on one of your favorite categories. Also you can add notes or change date and time.

• Budgets.
Create unlimited budgets for different needs.

• Daily Limit.
Want to save some money? Set your daily goal for expenses and make sure, that everything is under control.

• Monthly Salary.
If you have a regular salary, you can set a monthly one and Qoin will add it automatically to your budget every month.

• All currencies.
Qoin supports all known world currencies. While creating a budget, it automatically set currency of your country.

• Custom Categories.
Can’t find needed category from defaults? No problem, create your own! You can give it a name, a color or even set as UNIQUE, so it’ll be used only in specified budget.

• Statistics.
Make sure, that you control your money flow with all-new stats interaction.

• Transfer.
Send money between budgets.

• Passcode.
Set a passcode to keep your information more secure (Touch ID / Face ID supported).

• CSV export.
Qoin can deliver your entries as financial reports in .csv extension.

• Auto Dark Mode.
Feel the full experience with an outstanding dark mode.

• Widget.
Beautiful, simple and handy widget will help you to save time on adding entries, without opening the app. Available in Dark and Light modes.

Start using Qoin right now!
We welcome your feedback and suggestions for improvement.

If you have any questions, please contact us:


Download: https://iphonecake.c...476831789_.html