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SiteSucker [3.2.2] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Cate: Utilities
Price: $8.99
Size: 1.95MB
SiteSucker is an iOS app that automatically downloads websites from the Internet. It does this by copying the site's webpages, style sheets, images, PDFs, and other files to your iOS device, duplicating the site's directory structure. When SiteSucker downloads a webpage or style sheet, it scans the file for links and downloads the links. SiteSucker "localizes" the pages it downloads, allowing you to browse a site while offline.

SiteSucker lets you save the current URL and settings in a document which you can use to download the same site in the same way whenever you want.


Download: https://iphonecake.c...346896838_.html