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Texpad : LaTeX editor [1.9.1] [by HCiSO]

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Texpad : LaTeX editor
Cate: Productivity
Price: $32.99
Size: 30.65MB
Edit and typeset LaTeX, Plain TeX and Markdown on your Mac.

Texpad is a LaTeX editor designed for straightforward navigation, editing and typesetting of projects of any size. Open a LaTeX root file, and Texpad will scan it, open any referenced files, extract the document structure for display in the outline view, and configure the typesetter according to the packages and tools used by your document.

Texpad's editor has syntax highlighting, a choice of themes, autocomplete of commands including those defined in your document, autofill for \cite and \ref commands, and many other features. The powerful sidebar’s document structure view allows you to navigate through large multifile projects with ease. Additionally, Texpad's outline lists all labels, figures, tables, todos and the search pane can search and replace across your entire project using either normal text searches, or regular expression searches.

TexpadTeX - Texpad's internal, no internet connection required, typesetter comes with PGF drivers, Native Fonts extensions, Unicode and more. These allow it to support almost any LaTeX package available. TexpadTeX also integrates a BibteX tool and a Makeindex compatible indexer for documents that require those tools. The integrated bundle manager takes care of downloading, installing and updating LaTeX packages for you, giving you access to almost the entire LaTeX ecosystem without using any more space on your device than needed.

TexpadTeX can run in Live mode, updating the output as you type, so you never need wait for a typeset to finish again.

For the rare cases of documents that are not compatible with TexpadTeX, you can use our free cloud typesetters. These are fully integrated into Texpad so press typeset, and Texpad will run the typeset in the Cloud, presenting the results just as if it had been typeset on your device.

After typeset, any errors in your document are organised in a table of issues. Tap on an issue to jump directly to the offending line of LaTeX source, or the line in the raw log if you wish to read the original output.

Texpad supports Markdown on an equal footing with LaTeX. Edit your document in Texpad's syntax highlighting editor, browse the document by outline, then when you press Typeset, the document will be transparently converted and typeset by LaTeX, combining the informal ease of Markdown with LaTeX's ability to create beautiful and high quality PDFs. Likewise Plain TeX users can edit and typeset their documents in Texpad.


- Support for LaTeX, Plain Tex and Markdown
- Navigate easily through even the largest projects using the Outline view
- Search all files by string or regex with the global search view
- Search by section title, label, filename, citation and more with the tag search
- Browse the typeset errors and warnings either as a raw log, or with the errors and warnings table view.
- Texpad's editor autocompletes commands, and autofills commands such as \ref{...} or \cite{...}
- Instant Live typeset using Texpad's built in TexpadTeX typesetter
- Free typesetting through our secure cloud servers gives you access to all packages in the latest TeXLive distribution without the need to install or maintain it yourself.


Download: https://iphonecake.c...458866234_.html