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Helios Pro [1.7.6] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Helios Pro
Cate: Photo & Video
Price: $17.99
Size: 91.96MB
We're very excited to finally reveal Helios Pro for cinematographers and photographers. Not only can you pinpont the position of the sun, the moon (and now) stars the way you can in Helios, we've also added Augmented Reality and light simulation magic into the alchemal mix. Now you can visualize exactly what shots will look like at any location, at any time of the year or day. You can see precicely how light will illuminate and the shadows will fall.


For landscapes we create a dynamic 3d mesh of the surrounding terrain and show how the light will change throughout the day across the hills, mountains and valleys.

For city photographers we download OpenStreetMap building data and render a 3d reconstruction of the buildings and streets. You can therefore see exactly how the light will strike the buildings throught the day.


New to Helios Pro are a number of tools to help with night photography. The new milky way section gives you three different ways of visualizing the stars at any location. It also includes a unique night-shoot planner designed to let night photographers plan Milky Way photography.

- Multiple tools to explore sun, moon, and star data.
- Light simulation on a range of virtual stand-ins.
- Scarily accurate alchemy and celestial mechanics.
- Night-shoot planner to see the optimum dates and times to shoot the Milky Way.
- Dynamically generated 3D models of landscapes, buildings, cars, trees (and of course, a dinosaur).
- Many tools will still work without reception.
- Multiple ways to export data.
- iPad and iPhone compatible


Download: https://iphonecake.c...187474993_.html