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FE File Explorer Pro [11.1.8] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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FE File Explorer Pro
Cate: Utilities
Price: $9.99
Size: 74.95MB
FE File Explorer Pro is a file manager app on your iPhone and iPad. It can access not only local files, but also files on your computer, NAS and cloud storages. Transfer files among those locations. Stream movies and music to your iPhone/iPad. Directly view and manage documents, photos, files on your computer and cloud without downloading to your iPhone/iPad.

* Access network shares on macOS, Windows, Linux, Time Capsule, NAS via SMB/CIFS protocol.
* Access WebDAV Server, FTP Server and SFTP Server
* Access cloud storages: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box.

* Automatically discover comptuers, NAS and servers when you setup new connections.
* View, copy, move, rename and delete your files right on iPhone/iPad.
* Stream movies and musics from network shares and cloud storages to iPhone/iPad.
* AirPlay photos, musics and movies on Apple TV.
* Sort and search files
* Archive and unarchive files
* Dark Mode
* Multiple windows on iPad
* Integrated with iOS Files app
* Distribute configurations via MDM (Mobile Device Management).
* Built-in FTP Server and HTTP Server

* File Transfer:
Copy files among servers, cloud storages, iPhone and iPad.
Transfer files by drag and drop.
Nearby file transfer: Directly transfer files between two nearby iOS devices without Wi-Fi or LTE connection.

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Download: https://iphonecake.c...499470113_.html