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WavePad Masters Edition [19.16] [by unknown_macOS]

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WavePad Masters Edition
Cate: Music
Price: $99.99
Size: 16.39MB
WavePad Masters Edition

WavePad is a full featured professional audio editor program perfect for any audio project in the sound studio or at home. WavePad offers the ability to easily record and edit music with speed and agility, using insert, silence, auto-trim and more. Take your audio projects to the next level by adding effects, like: amplify, normalize, equalizer, envelope, reverb, echo, and reverse.

WavePad supports a number of formats including vox, gsm, and more! Whether you are a professional or an at-home enthusiast, WavePad has all of the tools you need to edit audio files. Typical applications include ringtones, voice-overs, trim sound bits, and many more!


Download: https://iphonecake.c...421779977_.html