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Good Templates - Notes, Papers [1.1.8] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Good Templates - Notes, Papers
Cate: Productivity
Price: Бесплатно
Size: 255.29MB
This app is jam-packed with a plethora of templates tailored to your workflow. We have every paper you can think of - lined, squared, music, calendars, circular and polar, triangles, hexagons, engineer graph, Cornell, accounting ledger, and more. Do you like lined paper for doodling or prefer grid sheets for notes? Don't worry, we've got you covered with our diverse range of paper options, ready for all your writing needs.

How does it work?

1. Choose the template that best fits your requirements.
2. Select "Open in ...".
3. The app will be opened then choose "Import as New Document". And voila! You're all set.

You can also create your own PDF and Text templates using the included PDF editor and Text word processor.

Start your journey with new templates today - because why just take notes when you can make them remarkable?

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