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Zookeeper World [6.4.0] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Zookeeper World
Cate: Games
Price: N/A
Size: 1.81GB
Weekend-exclusive multiplayer events are underway!
Zookeeper, the definitive action-puzzle game played by more than 30 million people, is now available as a Apple Arcade exclusive!

Solve simple match-3 puzzles to create your own zoo. Make it the only one of its kind in the world!

Get through a variety of puzzles and collect Coins to fill your zoo with cute animals, plants and more! They’ll increase your zoo’s Charm and attract all sorts of visitors!

As you complete requests from these visitors as well as the Boss, your zoo rank will increase. Before long, you'll be expanding and customizing your zoo with various designs and decorations! You just might come across a family of ducks or a calico cat, or even cruise around in a UFO! With endless ways to spice things up, there’s never a dull moment as a zookeeper!

You can upgrade the animals you’ve collected, too. Increase their Charm and turn them into cosplay animals!

Hula Dance Rabbit, Punk Monkey, Tanned Giraffe, Afro Panda, Santa Fennec, Tuxedo Penguin, Franken-Lion, Muay Thai Polar Bear, Sailor Crocodile, Pancake Elephant, Witch Flamingo… Can you collect them all?

To upgrade your animals though, you’ll need gems. You can get them by defeating MECHA BOSS, who will occasionally attack your zoo!

There are lots of puzzle stages with innovative gimmicks like "One Move All Challenge," where you have to match all the animals in one move, and "MECHA BOSS Challenge," where you go all out against MECHA BOSS!

You can get gems in several ways, such as by scoring EXCELLENT in "Star Collection Quest." All you have to do is complete the puzzles and collect stars!

New animals, puzzle stages and events will be added and updated on a regular basis. Come join the fun!

Don't forget to feed your animals when they get hungry!


Download: https://iphonecake.c...370858242_.html