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Announcement: [Premium] AppCake for Non Jailbreak iOS devices! Posted by hotsjf


    7 years in scene

  • Admin
  • 7,717 posts
    • Time Online: 195d 23h 31m 52s
  • Twitter:@iphonecake_com
  • LocationUSA
  • iDevices Owned:iPod Classic, iPod Touch 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6+, iPad 1, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air 2, Apple Watch, MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac
  • Most used iOS:iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS 8
Hi All

I'm so excited to announce that, we will roll out our premium service soon.

In partner with devmyi.com & iPASTORE.me, we will bring our Premium service to all members.

The Premium service will be a separate app, called iPASTORE, it uses the same database as AppCake, but provide the following premium features:

- NO ADs
- NO Waiting on app installations, OTA direct install
- Single app, works for both Jailbreak and NON-Jailbreak devices
- Valid Provision profile & Developer Certs.
- Access to all iOS & Mac OS Beta's
- No usage restrictions, unlimited download/install, only one account per device.
- Upload apps you want they will be instantly available.
- Cost you $16.99 every year.

For more information, please visit: https://ipastore.me
