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Scarlet iOS App Stuck at “Installing…” on iPhone — Anyone Know a Fix?

iPhone Scarlet

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Hey all,

I’ve been using the Scarlet app on my iPhone for a while now, but recently, every time I try to install something, it just sits there at “Installing…” and never finishes. I’m running iOS 17, so I’m wondering if that’s part of the issue? I’ve tried restarting my device and re-downloading Scarlet, but still no luck.

Has anyone else had this happen or figured out a way around it? I'd love to hear if you’ve found any tricks or settings that helped, or if it’s just an iOS 17 issue with Scarlet right now. Thanks in advance!



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I've run into this issue with a few apps myself! Sometimes it helps to restart your phone and try the installation again. If that doesn't work, you could try going into Settings > General > iPhone Storage, finding Scarlet in the list (if it appears), and deleting any partial install files before attempting the download again. Also, check your Wi-Fi connection—if it's weak or dropping, it might be causing the installation to hang. You might also want to refer to this resource of Scarlet iOS app for more tips or troubleshooting steps. Let us know if any of this helps!

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