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Issues with App Store Not Loading on iPhone – Anyone Else?


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Hey everyone, is anyone else having issues with the App Store not loading properly on their iPhone? For the past couple of days, whenever I try to open it, it either takes forever to load or just shows a blank screen. I’ve tried restarting my phone and making sure my internet connection is stable, but it’s still happening. I’m on iOS 16.4.1, using an iPhone 12.

I was also wondering if this might affect certain app downloads, like Scarlet, which I've been meaning to try out. Has anyone else had issues specifically with that app or noticed any general App Store glitches lately? Could this be a common issue, or maybe something specific to my phone/settings? Any troubleshooting tips would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.



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iTunes/Appstore had category showing issues for a few days but was fixed. don't know if that was your issue.



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I've had the same issue with the App Store recently. Try logging out and back in or checking for iOS updates.


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