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AdBlock Pro for Safari [6.0] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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AdBlock Pro for Safari
Cate: Productivity
Price: $8.99
Size: 44.06MB
Save data and speed up your Safari - block ads, trackers, unnecessary resources and bypass anti-adblock detectors.

Say goodbye to:
- ads and banners
- autoplay videos
- fake "x" buttons
- scrolling banners
- timed popups
- redirects to "xxx" websites
- YouTube video ads in Safari
- collection of your data online

Enjoy better Safari:
- on average 2x faster web browsing
- on average 50% lower data usage
- improved battery life

Extra features:
- bypass anti-adblock detectors
- sync settings between your devices with iCloud
- built-in button in Safari for quick changes
- hide obtrusive "Allow Cookies" prompts
- hide comment sections on popular websites
- block adult content (make browsing safe for kids)

Optimized for websites in the following languages:
English, Japanese, Indonesian, Russian, Persian, Latvian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Finnish, Korean, Swedish, Italian, French, Polish, Dutch, Estonian, Hebrew, Icelandic, Lithuanian, Danish, Greek, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Slovak, Norwegian, Hungarian, Chinese, German, Vietnamese, Arabic

Found an advertisement that made it through?
> Report it from inside the app. The app employs a crowdsourced blocking list updated with feedback of people like you.​

Did AdBlocker make your life better?
> Leave a review and spread the word - most of iPhone & iPad users still don't know that they can block ads inside Safari


Download: https://iphonecake.c...018301773_.html