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Pyto - Python 3.8 [11.3.2] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Pyto - Python 3.8
Cate: Productivity
Price: $9.99
Size: 464.89MB
Pyto is a Python 3.8 IDE for iPhone an iPad. Run code directly on your device and offline.


- Python 3.8 with all standard libraries
- Full Python REPL
- Code user interfaces
- Smart code completion
- Use pip to install pure Python modules from PyPi
- Access scripts from everywhere
- Preview images and plots on console
- Multiple windows for iPadOS 13+
- Run scripts and code from Siri Shortcuts
- Interact with other apps thanks to x-callback urls

Included libraries: Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Pillow, SciPy, SciKit-Learn, SciKit-Image, OpenCV, Lxml, Biopython, Cryptography, Bcrypt, and more!

Exclusive libraries:

- pyto_ui - Build an user interface
- notification_center - Customize Today Widgets
- notifications - Schedule notifications
- sharing - Share items and pick files
- pasteboard - Clipboard access
- sound - Play sounds
- music - Access the Apple Music library
- location - Access user's location
- xcallback - Interact with other apps


Download: https://iphonecake.c...436650069_.html