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Interplanetary III [1.2.0] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Interplanetary III
Cate: Games
Price: $1.69
Size: 470.54MB
Interplanetary III is an immersive 3D rocket simulation game that lets you launch, fly, and control any rocket with ease.

It features renowned rockets and spacecraft from all over the world. Different rockets have different capabilities. Pick your favorite one and launch them into space!

To provide the most thrilling experience possible, we eliminated unnecessary procedures and made it extremely simple to launch and fly a rocket while keeping the inherent danger of space travel. The game also features destinations such as the Moon, Mars, and other planets. So you can land your spacecraft anywhere you want! Or make a flyby if you don’t feel like landing.

The journey is as exciting as the destination. Meteorites, asteroids, and nebulae? You will never know what to expect while flying.


Download: https://iphonecake.c...435464696_.html