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Hawaii Story - Visual History [1.2] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Hawaii Story - Visual History
Cate: Travel
Price: $1.69
Size: 41.82MB
Who are the people of Hawaii and where did they come from?
What makes Hawaiian history so unusual?
Want to learn the secrets of Hawaii's relationship with the US?
How did Kamehameha, the first King of Hawaii, united the Hawaii Islands?

Hawaii Story is an immersive guide to Hawaii's history featuring:
- a visual history of Hawaii from Polynesian and Western discovery to the present-day
- short narrated slideshows of major historical points of interest
- historic and cultural background for deeper understanding
- a map to explore and learn about places before you go and during your visit
- bonus travel and safety tips for water activities, outdoors and hiking safety to help you prepare for visiting the Islands


Download: https://iphonecake.c...453330526_.html