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Unc0ver 4.2.0 IPA

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Last updated at: 02/25/2020

02/25/2020 - v4.2.0 was released for production with the following changes:

Fix issues with system services on A12-A13 (i.e. iMessage notifications)
Add iOS 13.0-13.3 support for A8-A11 devices
Fix temporary freeze after the jailbreak completed alert

Important Notes:

You must reboot in order to install this update if you are already jailbroken
@Pwn20wnd's substitute bootstrap tooling is used on A8-A11 devices running iOS 13.0-13.3 for battery saving features, improved performance and compatibility reasons
There is no particular reason to switch to the unc0ver jailbreak if you are already running the checkra1n jailbreak (Other than the convenience of being able to re-jailbreak your device without a computer)
Your jailbreak apps and tweaks will be preserved when switching from the checkra1n jailbreak for A8-A11
You can switch back to the checkra1n jailbreak while preserving your jailbreak apps and tweaks but you will need to manually install Cydia Substrate from Cydia after switching back
All devices running iOS 13.0-13.3 are now supported
The connected Apple Watch may re-sync after jailbreak. It will take around a minute or two and it won't touch your data

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    Pro Caker

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A9-A11 just checking all the info and he commented on twitter it was a typo 



    Pro Caker

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    • Time Online: 3d 11h 57m 55s

Think A8x is supported as well

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