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Boy or Girl ? Gender Predictor [1.0] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Boy or Girl ? Gender Predictor
Cate: Health & Fitness
Price: $6.99
Size: 1.54MB
Please note this application is for entertainment purposes only. Of course, each and every newborn child I had was the biggest entertainment I’ve ever faced with!

The whole logics and prediction formulae is based on my own mother’s observations and experience. I must confess that most of the time she was right and I can blindly trust her predictions, so do you!

I’m not going to go into details how It’s being done as it’s a kind of secret and if not, I’m not sure if my mother would like to give it away that easy, D’oh!

Anyway, the idea is that if you provide me with the birth date of father/mother and the date when you did the *thing* (squeak!), I’ll be able to apply the formulae and tell you the expected gender of the child, so you can thank me later... OR post a terrible feedback so I can forward it to my mother!


Download: https://iphonecake.c...824238065_.html