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How to fix installed apps crash on iOS 11 Jailbreak

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The crash is caused by the binaries not properly signed. Currently all apps on AppCake are cracked by RC, which working perfectly before iOS 11.


So we need to wait for the developer to update the cracking tool, to properly do the job on iOS 11.


Before that, if you have some apps you need to install and run on iOS 11 Jailbreak.


Here is the fix:


1. Unzip the IPA file, and find the binary of the app

2. Sign the binary with ldid like below:

ldid -S /path/to/binary

3. then pack the archive again to an IPA file, install with any tool you prefer.



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Yeah a more detailed tutorial would be very appreciated, I have the desired ipa but I have no idea what's the binary and where to find it and how to sign it. Please help.



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to do this you better to have a Mac, and know how to get ldid, if these are not much familiar for you. I really can't help much on the tutorial then...



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Could you do me a favor and sign it for me please? I have windows unfortunately. DM me if you can please and I'll send you the ipa



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Just use cydia impactor to install the .ipa file. It will sign it for you, it’s very easy, but takes few minutes.



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... but only lasts 7 days, and you can only sign 10 apps per week



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The crash is caused by the binaries not properly signed. Currently all apps on AppCake are cracked by RC, which working perfectly before iOS 11.


So we need to wait for the developer to update the cracking tool, to properly do the job on iOS 11.


Before that, if you have some apps you need to install and run on iOS 11 Jailbreak.


Here is the fix:


1. Unzip the IPA file, and find the binary of the app

2. Sign the binary with ldid like below:

ldid -S /path/to/binary

3. then pack the archive again to an IPA file, install with any tool you prefer.

How can i do with windows? Please help



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How can i do with windows? Please help

you would require to install Cygwin and then setup iostoolchain4win





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/usr/bin/Ldid: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

in cygwin 



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/usr/bin/Ldid: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

in cygwin 


Compile it from here :



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I can't use the method on "Shadowrocket", it shows "Permission denied" when I switch the connect button.

Can someone help what's the problem? :fie:




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Hello, I'm using cygwin64 and I can run ldid on Windows.


What is the binary of IPA file?


It's the appname.app folder (the root that I find if I open the IPA with WinRAR) ?


How can I zip it again in IPA format after ldid? Shall I use WinRAR, zip it and change the extension to IPA, as simple as that?


Thanks a lot for your support



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@ Ciappolandia

the xxxxx.app is a folder
inside that folder are files
you have to resign the executable
winrar, 7zip or whatever to re-archive ZIP format and then rename to ipa extension.




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ldid -S and then? What is the path? How can I identify the executable files?


I'm completely new on iOS file system, sorry



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ldid -S and then? What is the path? How can I identify the executable files?
I'm completely new on iOS file system, sorry

it is same on any filesystem.
am i supposed to guess every executable for you?
if this is above your head do not do it !




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Thanks a lot. You've been very clear and helpful.


I have the following error:


$ ../../../ldid -S 7wonders
ldid.cpp(1025): _assert(false); errno=2
ldid.cpp(1031): _assert(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); errno=0



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@ Ciappolandia

if it isn't working for you i'm sorry.

try and post in this thread: https://forum.iphone...-after-install/
name the exact app name and version along with the appstore/itunes link that is not os11 compatible and we will try and have that app fixed.




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I have something like 60 apps on my hard drive that are not present on iphonecake. Shall I post all of them?


How can I get my ldid working? 



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I have something like 60 apps on my hard drive that are not present on iphonecake. Shall I post all of them?
How can I get my ldid working?

goto the thread i posted and list what you can and we shall try and help
also many OLD apps may not work at all on os11 because it can not run 32bit anymore



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the apps signed by using ldid -S install and run fine afterwards but cannot use Facebook login. The saavn premium app updated recently has the same problem. if i sign that app with impactor using my appleid then it can login to Facebook fine.

any solution for that ?