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Installing xCon causes Cydia to not load iOS 10.3.3 iPhone 64bit h3lix Jailbreak

iOS 10.3.3

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In fact when xCon iOS 10.3.3 is installed it broque Cydia on iPhone 64 bit Jailbreak whit h3lix.

And you see "preparing filesystem (cydia will exit when complete) and nothing happen at all ; it crash and it's over for you.

If by mistake U did it wowww U are in trouble , Cydia doesn't start anymore , terminal is also Lock and unusable , if you got Filezila u can remove the package easely , if no , well it stay Cyberduck then go to :

I fixed this by removing xCon (deleted i mean) to do this: Remove, erase from 


/private/var/stash/_.JzRS5Y/DynamicLibraries/xCon.dylib &



Reboot and Cydia works like a charm and U saved your jailbreak 

If it can help someone , I'am on macpro so I use Cyberduck but it will be the same thing to do on Windows 7/8/10



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obviously you had an issue since xcon is NOT made for os above 10.2

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Original, iOS 10.3.3