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reprivision wiped app data?

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I am jailbroken with electra and use cydia impactor to sideload some apps.


I have used cydia extender for auto-resigning without a problem , but had heard about reprovision and decided to try it.


When I launched reprovision, it listed a number of apps expiring in a week, so I decided to let it resign them.


I started the apps afterwards and found they don't seem to have just been resigned but actually reinstalled. All the data from the apps is gone, and when I started them it was like I was launching new apps for the first time.  Does anyone know why this happened? Since this had never happened with cydia extender I wasn't expecting it.


A couple of those apps contained important data.


Is there any way I can retrieve the data for these apps or is it lost forever?


Thanks for your help.







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go complain to the Dev of reprovision.