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NOAA Weather Radar Puppy [1.9.5] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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NOAA Weather Radar Puppy
Cate: Weather
Price: $1.99
Size: 20.45MB
Hello! I made this weather app for my dog Panda, so she can bring you joy when checking the weather & tracking hurricanes!

Background images change based on the weather. You can even add your own **custom image**!

I've also just added GOES Geostationary Satellite Server information information through the NOAA website. Full tracking is available in the app!

Features include:
*GOES Geostationary Satellite Server web access
* Full Hurricane Forecast NHC web access
* Geo-located weather
* 7-day forecast details
* Panda puppy pictures
* Fun pup messages
* Search weather by city
* Custom weather backgrounds

Easily add your custom images as weather backgrounds. Just click on the image icon and select your weather folder.

It's so simple to use and will make you smile every time you check the weather.

Everyday someone downloads the app, Panda will get a treat for being a good pup =)

** Available for iPad and iPhone with single purchase **

Important: NOAA forecasts are only available for USA territory. Hurricane forecasts allow you to interact directly with the NHC website.

If you have any questions before purchasing, please email me at pandapupgram@gmail.com. I typically respond by the end of the day.



Download: https://iphonecake.c...281833307_.html