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iOS11+ with Appsync and crashing apps after install

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Any answer is appreciated to me.

sygic posted is cracked for 64bit devices only



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The app Road Trip MPG is crashing on launch. Can you fix please?

works perfectly fine.
it's for os11+ only

false reports can get you BANNED!




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sygic posted is cracked for 64bit devices only

I've got an iPhone 6S on ios 9 which is 64 bit, and as i told you, when installing either the Sygic Europe app or Wind Finder Pro 5.2.3, it is impossible to open those apps.

Could you help me please? Sygic 17.7.0 is the last one, the previous update worked correctly. Sygic Europe just requires ios 9.0.

I look forward to seeing any answer to me.

Thanks so much in advance.

Best wishes!



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Is Baldur's Gate 1&2 compatible with Ios 11 yet? They're both 64bit now. Thanks btw



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Can you update Charles Proxy for ios11? Thanks!



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Are the cracks of recently posted apps no longer compatible to be installed on iOS 9?

(Specifically asking wrt GoodReaderPro+ v5.1.3)





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Are the cracks of recently posted apps no longer compatible to be installed on iOS 9?
(Specifically asking wrt GoodReaderPro+ v5.1.3)

pretty much 32bit compatibility went out the door as of iOS 11



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Modizer 2.9.2 isn't working on iOS 11.3.1


Previous versions of the app worked fine but this version isn't


Thanks in advance



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Please Update Stone age and Splendor.



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I have downloaded "myTuner Pro app_7.1.2_telefonbuch ok iOS 11.ipa" and although this reads okay with ios11 it crashes on opening. Is there another version available which works ok? cjwj



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Litchi 2.7.0 is caching on my iphone 7 with ios 11 maybe I do something wrong.



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Can you tell me how to download the latest Mod apk like on CoiMobile?



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Hello, thanks for your work cracking aps.s I've downloaded and Installed Goodnotes [5,4,24]  it but for some reason, it is cracking upon start. I've had the same problem with every version I've downloaded of this app. Maybe I am doing something wrong? I am on Ios 13.5, jailbreaked with uncover and with appsync unified. Thanks for your effor. 


Edit: I installed the app through iMazing and somehow It worked. I guess something must be bugged with my device.



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Hi, I have a problem can not open Cruchyroll after installing in my iphoe (using ios 13). Would you mind helping me , please ? Thanks



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Sorry. if I understand mayority of apps are cracked for iOS 10 and not for iOS 11?



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i should have searched/read better about the subject, hope people read the post and don't ask the same questions again  :) hellodear


Regards, teatv



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acidisda, on 28 Mar 2018 - 04:04 AM, said:
Rollercoaster Tycoon Classic dosent work it crash after start (electra ios 11)
please help !!!

sorry it's a 32bit app and will not run on os11

are you sure ?
last update of the game at december 2017 version 1.1.9
all games run only rctc not



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hey user_hidden, thank you for all your work!


I have a small question: is there any way to install one of your ipas using Trollstore on jailed phone?

When I install them, it shows the splash/loading screen then it closes.


many thanks!