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Da Vinci Eye: Anyone Can Draw [3.0.4] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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Da Vinci Eye: Anyone Can Draw
Cate: Education
Price: $8.99
Size: 130.62MB
*AR Drawing Mode available on devices with A11 processors and up.

Learn to draw or perfect your drawing skills with Da Vinci Eye!

Featured on ProductHunt, LifeHacker, Apple News, The Guardian, and more...

Great for professionals, students, or anyone that just wants to make incredible artwork.

Based on a tool that has been used by artists for centuries, this app is a digital version of a Camera Lucida.

Da Vinci Eye overlays an image that you would like to draw over a real piece of paper using your device's camera. If you look through your phone, while it is above your canvas, it creates a virtual projection that you can trace. This enables you to create realistic looking artwork with perfect proportions, shading, and colors.

How does it work?

You suspend your iPhone or iPad above or in front of your canvas with a stand, tall glass, or other objects easily found around your house.

When you look through your phone, you will be able to see both the image and the canvas at the same time. It's kind of like a projector or light board, but you can only see the projection when you look through your phone.

The cool thing is that you can zoom in both the camera and the overlay image at the same time to pick up micro details in your drawing or scale the picture to any size that you want.

By using Da Vinci Eye, you will be training your eye to recognize proportions, identify differences in colors and values (lighter vs. darker shades), while training your hand to translate precise lines and strokes on paper.

What can I use this for?

For Artists
How many times have you been drawing a portrait only to realize that the nose or the eye is in the wrong place? You can use this app to layout your artwork before you begin or to check your work as you go along.

For Bakers:
Try tracing your favorite cartoon character onto cupcakes, cakes, or cookies.

For Business Owners:
Write intricate lettering on everything from chalkboard signs to sandwich boards.

For entertainment:
Give anyone a professional hand-painted temporary tattoo.

The possibilities are endless!


- Make drawing or paintings of any size

- Lessons to learn the fundamentals of drawing that teach you how to draw without the app

- Breakdown any image into step by step instructions to draw

- In-app video tutorials on how to use Da Vinci Eye

- Use any picture you like

- Filters to apply to your images to make drawing easier

- Zoom in to capture micro details in your drawings

- Strobe your reference image on and off so that you can compare your drawing to the picture you want to draw

- Excellent app support!


Download: https://iphonecake.c...120304868_.html