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Brotato:Premium [1.3.40] [by user_hidden-ICPDA]

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    Forum Admin

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  • 70,828 posts
    • Time Online: 324d 6h 29m 54s
Cate: Games
Price: $9.99
Size: 211.51MB
A top-down arena shooter roguelite where you play a potato wielding up to 6 weapons at a time to fight off hordes of aliens. Choose from a variety of traits and items to create unique builds and survive until help arrives.

The sole survivor: Brotato, the only potato capable of handling 6 weapons at the same time. Waiting to be rescued by his mates, Brotato must survive in this hostile environment.

· Auto-firing weapons by default with a manual aiming option
Fast runs (under 30 minutes)
· Dozens of characters available to customize your runs (one-handed, crazy, lucky, mage and many more)
· Hundreds of items and weapons to choose from (flamethrowers, SMGs, rocket launchers or sticks and stones)
· Survive waves lasting 20 to 90 seconds each and kill off as many aliens as you can during that time
· Collect materials to gain experience and get items from the shop between waves of enemies
· Accessibility options: tweak the health, damage and speed of enemies so the difficulty is right for you

*Cloud storage is only available while online. You can play offline, but your data will not be saved to the cloud. Please take note of this.

【Contact Us】
YouTube: https://www.youtube....WjhnlzuX2ZLjtUg
Discord:@Erabit or join via https://discord.gg/P6vekfhc46
Tik Tok:https://www.tiktok.com/@brotato_mobile
Instagram: https://www.instagra...brotato_mobile/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.c...brotato_mobile/


Download: https://iphonecake.c...668755109_.html