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Reigns: Beyond [1.05] [by zachary@cracks]

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    IC L.E.G.E.N.D

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  • 20,749 posts
    • Time Online: 95d 20h 24m 32s
Reigns: Beyond
Cate: Games
Price: N/A
Size: 256.09MB
As an intergalactic indie rockband, plot your rise to *star*dom, traveling from planet to planet and gig to gig on your quest for fame and fortune. Play local (and not-so-local) clubs throughout the galaxy, recruiting alien band members along the way, and rock out across the cosmos! But make sure you're managing your ship's resources and keeping your crew in check while on this stellar tour because one wrong decision may leave you dead in space!


- Unlock the legendary Galactic Guitars and rock out in front of your adoring fans.
- Fight pirates, overzealous tax collectors and more in swiping dogfights.
- Hang out on your ship for band practice and offer directions to lost space travellers
- Meet 60+ curious characters, including your manager, Lord Shark, Strombo the scholarly mollusc, Gron the space bear, ... and of course your crew and your ship's know-it-all AI
- 1400+ decision cards. Infinite possibilities!
- Original soundtrack by Sam Webster


Download: https://iphonecake.c...516293234_.html