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iMazing for macOS

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  • iDevices Owned:iPod Classic, iPod Touch 4, iPhone 4, iPhone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 8, iPad Mini, iPad Mini 2, iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 5, MacBook Air, iHave a PC
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iMazing is the world’s favourite iOS device manager for Mac and PC. Millions of users every year leverage its powerful capabilities to make the most of their personal or business iPhone and iPad.

Often called ‘The Swiss Army Knife of iPhone Management’, iMazing offers a wide variety of features:

Time-Machine style local backups, on your schedule, via USB or Wi-Fi and to the storage location of your choice.
Live browsing of the iPhone’s photo library. Preview and save hidden assets (originals of edited items, frames of bursts, videos of Live Photos).
Accurate PDF or Excel exports of Messages and WhatsApp chats, including attachments.
Other exports: music, files, contacts, calendars, notes, voicemail, call logs, voice memos, safari data, books.
Transfer to device: music, videos, photo albums, books, files.
Device to device data migration.
Advanced admin tools: supervision, single app mode, configuration profiles, OS restore, console, battery diagnostics.
And other amazing things you never thought possible!

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let me try it,THX

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