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iOS11+ with Appsync and crashing apps after install

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@user_hidden Thumper pocket edition, x64 crashing on 11.3.1

not cracked properly !



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iOS11+ with Appsync and crashing apps after install

users have been complaining that Appsync Unified(6.1/9.0) are not working when used with Electra JB.
Appsync works 100% fine, the crash is another issue that is a signing problem with current crack tools.

As of March 2, 2018 any of my cracked apps uploaded to Appcake will be marked with "(ok11)"
work and do not crash when loaded to device.

should there be any previous apps that crash on iOS11 please post in this thread and i will try and update the app.

Tried one of your �(ok11)� apps and it works like a charm. Thanks for this explanation on signing problem!

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Can you do something on Spotify premium please?Its crashing all the time.



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Hi , you can check "Ticket To Ride" uploaded appcake versio is compatibile in ios11 ? i ask because cant install and maybe its ios 11 compatibility problem  or bad crack



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Can you do something on Spotify premium please?Its crashing all the time.

not os11 compatible at this time



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Hi , you can check "Ticket To Ride" uploaded appcake versio is compatibile in ios11 ? i ask because cant install and maybe its ios 11 compatibility problem  or bad crack

check here: https://iphonecake.c...432504470_.html
link i posted is ok11



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Any properly crack with oddmar game? The existing crash at startup. Thanks



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Please update Oxford English Dictionary 2018 to v10.0.11 to support iOS 11



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Some people have been saying that this method works fine



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Some people have been saying that this method works fine

already posted and DEVELOPED here by @Sacmunraga months ago.



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if you will be have possibility to check its ios11 ok two more apps will be amazing,  im not sure maybe have jailbreak check installed :/ but previously on ios9 works fine  :



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Thank you



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European War 6: 1804

both not os11 compatible after crack



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Hi, reporting 2 apps that close after launch besides installing fine (even patching with ldid signer.sh)
This War of Mine: https://www.iphoneca...982175678_.html
The Pillars of The Earth: https://www.iphoneca...267287230_.html
(that second one hurted hard after downloading for 12 hours...)

I know I just arrived, but can I make a small suggestion?
Since ios11 is being forced over everyone, it's getting harder to find an iDevice to buy without it, so what about Appcake website having a simple "ios 11 ok" sticker near the apps that work there (just like @user_hidden does here in the releases forum)?

That's all for now, thanks.



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Would it be possible to upload again the app �coda� ? It�s probably the best app to code on the fly..

I�ve been trying to sign it and to install it manually, but it crashes on iOS 11.


I would appreciate your help @user_hidden



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Can I confirm from someone, there isn�t any other way to install them (via cydia impactor for eg) is there? It�s all down to the freshly needed iOS 11 crack? Thanks!



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Hi, reporting 2 apps that close after launch besides installing fine (even patching with ldid signer.sh)
This War of Mine: https://www.iphoneca...982175678_.html
The Pillars of The Earth: https://www.iphoneca...267287230_.html
(that second one hurted hard after downloading for 12 hours...)

I know I just arrived, but can I make a small suggestion?
Since ios11 is being forced over everyone, it's getting harder to find an iDevice to buy without it, so what about Appcake website having a simple "ios 11 ok" sticker near the apps that work there (just like @user_hidden does here in the releases forum)?

That's all for now, thanks.


Correcting myself here: This War of Mine works with signer.sh, I was using it wrongly. (Only problem now is that v1.5.5 (Ghay's 2.0.13) is still v1.5.3 ingame, I will search his release topic and inform him there, as it's not the subject of this thread)


And... The Pillars of The Earth works by patching the binary with ldid, it doesn't work using the signer.sh because signer.sh is presuming that $EXECUTABLE is equal to "Appname" of the path ./Payload/Appname.app so it was trying to sign a non-existent file, since the structure of Pillars's executable is:

"./Payload/Pillars Of The Earth 1.app/pillars"

while signer.sh was trying to patch:

"./Payload/Pillars Of The Earth 1.app/Pillars Of The Earth 1" (and that doesn't exists. I discovered that by checking newTerm2 output and seeing a errno2 error in the middle of the output.)

So, the solution for Pillars to work is to:


# 1- Download or move "The Pillars of the Earth Game 1.1 teiron.ipa" to /var/mobile/Downloads
# 2- Open NewTerm2
# 3- run su and enter your password (default: alpine)

cd /var/mobile/Downloads
unzip The\ Pillars\ of\ the\ Earth\ Game\ 1.1\ teiron.ipa
cd Payload/Pillars\ of\ the\ Earth\ 1.app
ldid -S pillars
zip -r pillarssigned.ipa Payload
rm -r Payload
rm *.plist
rm -r META-INF
rm iTunesArtwork

This should give you a pillarssigned.ipa file inside /var/mobile/Downloads that you can install from Filza!


Note that this is obviously hardcoded to this specific ipa and that the real solution would be having signer.sh reading the executable file string from the Info.plist after the unzip (I mean ./Payload/Appname.app/Info.plist "Executable file" string value) but I don't know how to do it.


Also, a side-note: signer.sh could be checking for the files and folders:


to remove em after it's done, since these are some "left behind trash" files and folders (It currently only removes Payload)

Or, better, it could be unzipping to a subfolder that could be removed with whatever comes inside the ipa.


Well I hope this info and opinions can help to improve automated work on that, if not, it can help at least those who are trying to install this specific app.



Can I confirm from someone, there isn�t any other way to install them (via cydia impactor for eg) is there? It�s all down to the freshly needed iOS 11 crack? Thanks!


Yes, you can download the ipa and move it inside Ext3nder "imported" folder, then you can install the ipa from ext3nder, but it will require you to resign it after every 7 days (unless you're a dev)



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Things 3 crashing on iOS 11.3.1



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Things 3 crashing on iOS 11.3.1

cracked things3 does not work on os11+



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Notability is also crashing on iOS 11.3.1, tried to patch the binary with ldid -S but nothing changed, is it possible to crack?



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crash app :
Remoter Pro